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We currently offer two different kinds of  public rituals: open to the general public and monthly rituals for our members.


Open to the general public rituals: always available for purchase through this page, they are "follow along" kind of rituals - if there's no date specifying when this ritual will be live, then you can assume it's a pre recorded video and a PDF listing the needed materials as well as any additional information necessary such as post ritual recommended care.


Members only rituals: every month we host a live ritual for our members. An email is sent 10 days prior to the date of the event with a list of needed materials, recommendations as well as any other necessary information. These rituals are recorded (once again, only for the members). On this page you can see some of the upcoming members only rituals.


You are welcome to reach out with any questions you may have!


The Moon Garden is not held responsible for the results or the lack of, of any of the rituals offered.


Moon Garden Spiritual Studies​


Magical Classes and Rituals / Tarot and Cowrie Shells


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